Research Question
Exploring the use of game development to create novel psychological game experiences.
This was my original question, I previously applied for Master of Design with a different question however I wanted to find out something new and investigate it.
My question does feel quite broad so I am hoping that through my classes I will be able to refine it into something that truly represents what I want to research.
During the last few weeks, I have trialled a few different questions, both being quite broad still however they may help me to centre onto a single idea.
These questions have been:
"How can I bring both the two-dimensional and three-dimensional forms seamlessly together in a single space"
"How can I bring both the two-dimensional and three-dimensional forms together in a single space by utilising Unreal Engine"
How can I create strangeness using the space between the two-dimensional and three-dimensional forms in a game landscape and space?
How can I create strangeness for a player using the space between the two-dimensional and three-dimensional forms in a game landscape and space?
How can I bring strangeness into a game landscape using the slippage of space between the two-dimensional and three-dimensional forms?
How can I create strangeness using the space between the two-dimensional and three-dimensional forms in a game landscape and space to create new experiences for a player?
How can the NZ gothic film trope be employed in a game landscape through juxtaposing 3D and 2D forms?
How can I create strangeness in a domestic home environment in a rural landscape in order to explore the juxtaposition between the two-dimensional and three-dimensional forms to explore new experiences for a player?
How can I create strangeness using the space between the two-dimensional and three-dimensional forms in a game landcape and space to bring a new style of games for a player to experience?
How can I use a system of aesthetics to combine the two and three-dimensional forms in a game landscape and space through experimentation and proof of concept to explore the strangeness in bringing the unfamiliar into the familiar?
Current Research Question
How can I use a system of aesthetics to combine the two and three-dimensional forms in a game landscape and space through experimentation and proof of concept to explore the uncanny in bringing the unfamiliar into the familiar?